Course Content
- What is the Web?
- Web Features?
- W3C and W3C Members
- Introduction to What WG
- Introduction
- Parts in HTML Document
- Version Information
- Head Section
- Meta Information
- Body Section
- Anchors, Images
- Introduction
- Why HTML5?
- New Features and Groups
- Structure of HTML5 Document
- Power of HTML5 and Features
- Semantics and Block Level Elements
- HTML5 Forms
- HTML5 Multimedia
- HTML5 Graphics
- CSS Basics
- CSS Introduction
- CSS Syntax
- CSS Versions
- CSS Id & Class
- CSS Styling
- CSS Borders
- CSS3 Modules
- Selector
- Box Model
- Backgrounds and Borders
- 2D/3D Transformations
- Core &Adanced Animations
- Multiple Column Layout
- Introduction to JavaScript
- Comments and Types of Comments
- Popup Boxes
- Variables & Operators
- JavaScript Functions and Events
- Conditional Statements
- Looping Control Statement
Execution palette
- Types of Errors
- Exception Handling
- Java Script Objects
- Browser Objects
- Validations in JS
- Introduction to Java
- Java Language
- Java Platforms
- Java Technologies
- History of Java
- Similarities between C and Java
- Differences between C and Java
- Developing, Compiling and Executing a simple Java program
- Details of main() of a stand-alone Java program
- int
- float
- char
- double
- boolean
- short
- long
- byte
- Encapsulation
- Class
- Implementing Inheritance in Java
- Types of Inheritance
- Super class
- Sub class
- Constructors in Inheritance
- Method Overriding
- abstract classes
- abstract methods
- Static polymorphism
- Dynamic polymorphism
- Static binding Vs Dynamic Binding
- Interface Vs abstract class
- Role of interfaces in Real time projects
- Interfaces inheriting from other interfaces
- Declarative Multiple Inheritance using
- Types of Errors
- Need of Exception Handling
- try, catch, throw, throws, finally
- try with resources
- Exception Hierarchy
- Byte Oriented Streams
- Character Oriented Streams
- class
- Object Serialization
- Object
- Attributes(properties)
- Operations(methods)