Course Content
- Need for Cloud Integration
- What is iPass?
- Cloud Integration Concerns
- Boomi Account Set up
- Exploring Boomi and Life Cycle
- Environments and Atoms
- Atoms properties
- How to Download, install & configure
- What is the AtomSphere Process?
- AtomSphere Shapes: Execute, Logic and Connect
- What is a component?
- What is document Tracking?
- Activities
- Transitions
- Working with Variables(DP,DDP,PP,DPP)
- Creating profile(Flat File, Xml, Data Base, JSON)
- Creating process
- Disk connector
- FTP connector
- SFTP connector
- Database connector
- HTTP connector
- Web Service SOAP client connector
- Web Service Server Connector
- Cross Reference
- User defined function
- Lookup
- Standard functions
Execution palette
- Set properties
- Map
- Message
- Notify
- Process Call
- Data Process
- Add to Cache/load from Cache
- Process Route
Logic palette
- Branch
- Route
- Cleanse
- Decision
- Stop
- Return Documents
- Business Rules
- Add to Cache
- Load from Cache
- Batch documents
- Flow control
- Flow control with set properties mechanism
- Try/catch
- Custom alerts
- Read data at each shape in Test mode
- Exception shape: terminate the data flow and
- Define custom error messages
- End to End Design of Interface
- Testing of the Interface
- Deployment of the Interface
- Execution of the Interface
- Analysis of Process Reporting, logs etc.
- Cross reference Table, Simple Lookup
- Deploy and un deploy applications
- End to End Design of Interface
- Testing of the Interface
- Deployment of the Interface
- Execution of the Interface
- Analysis of Process Reporting, logs etc.
- Execute process (Different ways of Executing a process).
- Rerunning the documents in Process reporting.
- Viewing process execution documents.
- Viewing process and document logs.
- Setting predefined tracking fields.
- Creating custom/use defined tracing fields.
- Assignments will be given to individuals after each session.
- Boomi setup & license should bear by the participants.
- Trainer will help the participants with technical queries to complete the assignments.